TY Admissions




Cashel Community School offers Transition Year as an optional one-year programme designed to bridge the gap between the Junior and Senior Cycles.

The school strives to achieve the stated   mission of T.Y., published by the Department of Education and Skills, which is ‘to promote the personal, social educational and vocational development of the students and to prepare them for their role as autonomous, participative and responsible members of society’.




Cashel Community School   promotes equality of access to and participation in  the T.Y.P., subject to the procedures and criteria outlined in this Policy.




  • Application for admission to T.Y. is open to all students in third year.

3.2 Prior to the  application process the Guidance Department will meet with all 3rd year groups to discuss Senior Cycle Options. Students will get detailed information about the aims, content and structure of the T.Y.P. An information booklet on Senior Cycle will be given to each student.


3.3 An information evening for parents of 3rd year /T.Y. students will be held in the Spring time, outlining the Senior Options available in Cashel Community School. A detailed presentation on all aspects of the T.Y.P. will be delivered, at this information evening, by the Programme Co-ordinator.


  • Application is made via the Senior Cycle Options Programme Form and subsequent interview, for those applying for the T.Y.P. The application form will include a Personal Statement expressing interest in and suitability for the T.Y.P. All students will be required to choose their subjects,   for Senior Cycle, at this stage, also.  The interviews, for the T.Y.P., will be conducted by the Programme Co-ordinator and one of the following: Head of Third Year; Guidance Counsellor; member of T.Y. Support Team. The interview will assess the student’s knowledge of, commitment to, and suitability for the T.Y.P.


  • A  closing  date  will apply and late applications may not be considered.


  • A list of T.Y. Applicants will then be circulated to staff for their consideration and written submissions, to Programme Co-ordinator, will be requested, where there are concerns expressed about the suitability of a student(s). All students who apply will be interviewed.


  • If the number of students who apply exceeds the maximum allowed, then further interviews will take place, with Principal/Deputy Principal. The interviews will be based on a short list of candidates drawn up after initial interviews by the interview panel. Any concerns expressed by staff will be taken into consideration also.


  • If a student is not offered a place on the T.Y.P. the Principal/Deputy Principal will meet with the student and his/her parents to discuss other Senior Cycle Options.


  • Applications by external candidates may be considered, subject to availability and admission criteria/procedures as laid down by the school.



The following criteria will apply in assessing a prospective T.Y. student’s application:


4.1 The total number can be up to but will not exceed 96 students.


4.2 The student’s homework and study record.


4.3 The suitability of the T.Y.P. for the student in terms of his/her progression route, after T.Y. ie.  Leaving Cert./L.C.V.P.


4.4 The student’s record of compliance with the school’s Code of Behaviour.


4.5 The student’s performance at interview.


4.6 The student’s attendance and punctuality record.


4.7 The student’s contribution to school life and extra- curricular activities.

The parents of successful candidates will be informed in writing, by the Programme Co-ordinator, and they will then be required to pay a deposit of 100 Euro to secure their place on the Programme. This deposit is the first instalment of the fee, which is 300 Euro.



A student who fails to secure a place on the T.Y.P., following the application procedure and interview(s), may appeal the decision to the Principal. The Principal’s decision is final.